
How Many Animals Are Affected By Plastic Pollution In North Carolina

Null nosotros utilise for a few minutes should threaten our wellness and pollute our hereafter for hundreds of years.

Every twenty-four hour period, people throw away tons of plastic "stuff" — cups, plates, bags, containers, forks, knives, straws, spoons and more than. All of this waste not only clogs our landfills, trashes our parks, and litters our streets, only it also washes into our rivers and oceans, where information technology tin impairment wildlife.

It's time to motion beyond single-employ plastic, by getting rid of the about harmful waste material, and stopping the use of things we truly don't need.

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Ban polystyrene

Scientists are yet documenting the scope of plastic pollution and investigating its furnishings. But for decades nosotros've known that one of the worst forms of plastic pollution is polystyrene foam, the kind used in foam cups and accept-out containers, which most of united states of america call Styrofoam.

Polystyrene cream is made of fossil fuels and tin't exist recycled. It breaks apart hands, merely it takes hundreds of years to fully dethrone — which means that every piece of cream ever made is still out in that location and will go on to pollute our planet for hundreds of years to come.

Skip the harbinger

Once found mostly in soda fountains of the 1930s, straws have become one of the most ubiquitous unnecessary products on the planet. Americans use 175 1000000 straws daily, near enough to circle the world. Compounding the problem, plastic straws are modest, thin and bend easily, so they fall into the cracks and crevices of recycling machinery. Therefore, most recyclers do not accept plastic straws, and near straws that do make information technology to a recycling facility practise non get recycled.

Ban the purse

A plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes, but can persist in our environment, and pollute our communities, for generations. Final year, fifty pct of the bags we used ended up in landfills and viii billion ended upwardly in the environment. Null we use for a few minutes should threaten our health and pollute our future for hundreds of years. It'south time to ban the purse.

Getting beyond plastic

Our national network is working on introducing and passing bills that would assistance move our country across unmarried-use plastics. In 13 states we accept introduced legislation that would ban single-use polystyrene have out containers. In seven states, we are working on policies that would brand straws available by asking only, and in ten states we have efforts underway to pass statewide bans on single-employ plastics bags.

We're partnering with Environment America. Over the years we've worked together to win like efforts to reduce waste and plastic pollution. From our piece of work on state canteen bills in Massachusetts and across the country, to pro-recycling laws and the first statewide plastic bag ban in California. We know how to combine professional research and advocacy with citizen support, to win real results.

We can lead the way

NCPIRG is calling on our decision makers to lead u.s. toward a zero waste time to come, by enacting a statewide ban on polystyrene have-out containers.

Our national network is partnering with Environment America, over the years we've worked together to win similar efforts to reduce waste and plastic pollution. Recently California passed the first statewide plastic bag ban in the country.

Of course, in that location are plastics companies that don't similar this thought. In 2018, corporate opposition helped block a bill banning plastic foam containers in California. But beyond the state, polystyrene foam bans have passed in more 200 cities and counties, and even some corporations like Dunkin' and McDonald's have indicated a willingness to phase out polystyrene, and mitt out straws only upon request.

Get Involved

Ban single-utilize plastic foam items in North Carolina

I of the best ways to reduce the amount of trash headed to landfills is to ban items such as plastic cream cups and takeout containers. Tell our governor to ban single-use polystyrene items today.


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