
Can You Eat An Animal That Dies Of Old Age

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Tin can you eat a craven that dies or do they take to go through processi

  • Thread starter moodusnewchick
  • Get-go date
  • #1
Feb 15, 2008
Can yous eat a chicken that dies or do they take to go through processing to exist safe to eat? thanks
  • #2
Love my Critters!
I wouldn't eat information technology because you lot don't know what it died from, unless information technology died from your axe, I would not put it in my oral fissure.
  • #3
Information technology's not safe to eat any fauna that dies from disease or unknown causes.
  • #4
To consume they need to exist bled out, & like chcknrs said you lot don't know what it died from.
  • #5
Jan 25, 2008
It is probably all-time to swallow only a bird you processed or had processed. Sure, if there were nothing else to eat and you happened across a dead bird, why non? (LOL. To many survival shows off Discovery Channel

You practise not want to eat any sick animals. Sometimes commercial producers "button" sick animals through, but they are not suppose to. Sick animals are not on the carte du jour. Fifty-fifty commercial plants for beefiness and such, do non eat cows that die on their ain(even if it is but minutes away from beingness killed).

You lot do not desire to eat a chicken that has been killed by a predator. You practise non know if the predators was healthy or carrying something that could pass onto y'all. Aye, cooking tin can kill leaner and whatnot, but do you really want to risk eating a chicken killed by a pull a fast one on or coon or anything else?

A bird that dies of old age, probably isn't going to exist very good to eat. LOL. About birds are considered tough after their first twelvemonth of life, can you imagine how tough they would exist after dying on their ain?

If the craven is dead because of some kind of bear upon(getting hitting by auto, stomped by horse, etc) then I could see information technology being safe to eat. I would not consume it, if you don't know exactly how long it had been dead.

Honestly, I probably wouldn't take chances it. At that place may be exceptions. Like my friend had some really flighty birds, so flighty that when she entered the coop one day(she'southward old and doesn't movement quick either) that two cockerels flew into a roost and killed themselves. I would have eaten the cockerels had they been a decent size. I would NOT eat a bird that I just found laying in the coop dead.

Only my thoughts on the matter. When information technology comes to ingesting things, information technology is better safe than sorry.


Final edited:
  • #6
nope, I wouldn't consume one that only dies. No you don't have to take it to a processor to be rubber-- you tin can procedure them yourself. In that location are lots of directions on here.
  • #seven
I would not eat information technology and no processor is legally allowed to process an brute that has died of natural causes.

If the creature dies of an communicable diseases there is nothing in processing that would prevent it from existence spread through the meat.

  • Thread starter
  • #8
Feb xv, 2008
  • #9
if a chicken dies.i disspose of them.i sure dont eat them.because you lot actually dont know what killed them.
  • #10
Jan 31, 2008
We have never eaten any that accept died from natural causes.

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