
How To Add Mocap Animations To Roblox Studio

MotionBuilder Fundamentals:

How to Animate a Graphic symbol With

Motion Capture

Your Consummate Pace-By-Step Guide to Animative Your Graphic symbol With Move Capture

Get a backside the scenes look as I walk you step-by-step through a consummate animation project in MotionBuilder.

You'll learn everything you demand to know to animate your grapheme with move capture: from exporting your character into MotionBuilder, to importing the finished animation dorsum onto your character - exactly as you would in a professional studio.

Each lesson is packed with all the production ready tips, tricks and shortcuts you'll need to help you overcome the challenges y'all'll face – even if you've never used MotionBuilder before!

  1. We'll start with the virtually important scrap, how to get a character into MotionBuilder.
  2. Then in MotionBuilder, the nearly overlooked but equally of import, how to set up your grapheme to go far easier to work with.
  3. Once we've got everything optimised, we'll look at how to T-pose and characterize a character in MotionBuilder using 2 dissimilar techniques:
  4. Showtime nosotros'll use the manual arroyo and rotate Jess into a perfect T-Pose and then use elevate-and-drop to complete the Grapheme Mapping.
  5. Then we'll utilise a faster automated approach to T-pose an Unreal Mannequin and Unreal MetaHuman using IK, and so automagically complete the Character Mapping using a Skeleton Template File (included in the form).
  6. Next, we'll learn how to transfer movement capture to a graphic symbol using the two most common types or mocap information: optical (Vicon, Motion Assay, Opti-Track ) and skeleton (Xsens, Rokoko, Perception Neuron).
  7. The last matter to practise is plot the data to our character and import the blitheness onto our character in our favourite DCC software of choice.
  8. Once you've mastered the process using an FK character rig, we'll do it again using a more common IK graphic symbol animation rig .
  9. So, to take things to next level, we'll dive fifty-fifty deeper into MotionBuilder's Character Settings and look at how to map human motion onto a non-human being character.
  10. When y'all know how to go motion capture onto your grapheme, the side by side affair to do is larn how to quickly and easily realign mocap in your scene.
  11. Finally, we'll learn how to use MotionBuilder's Story Tool to split takes containing multiple actions into split files.

Get these steps right and not merely will you salvage fourth dimension, money, and frustration...Only, you'll also have more time to transform your motility capture into conceivable, life-similar character blitheness.

Hello, I'thou Simon Kay

Since 2000 I've used MotionBuilder to animate everything from highly trained special agents to planet defending robots at some of the leading video game, movement capture and visual effects studios in the world.

I've used information technology at ever stage of the production procedure: from building pipelines, tools and test animations in preproduction; to retargeting, clean-upwardly and editing thousands of animations for video games and films.

What I want to teach y'all hither are all the MotionBuilder tips, tricks and tools I've learned along the fashion that will really make a divergence, and so you lot tin can spend less fourth dimension fixing mocap and more time animating characters.

Enter, MotionBuilder...

One of the first projects I worked on was a PlayStation 2 game based on the Idiot box series Alias. To make the game more "NextGen", the grapheme's movements needed to be every bit lifelike as possible, so we decided to use motility capture.

As the lead (actually, simply) animator on the project, I needed to detect the all-time software for working with this type of data.

Enter, MotionBuilder... or Kaydara FilmBo10 equally information technology was called dorsum then.

Now all I had to exercise was learn how to employ the software… while using it to create all the in-game animations… on a project that had already started… earlier we went on our first mocap shoot...

Of a sudden I had a LOT of questions:

  • How do y'all rig a character for motion capture?
  • How practise you become that character into MotionBuilder?
  • How and when do yous transfer the mocap to it?
  • Why doesn't it wait right when you lot practise?
  • How exercise you lot get the animation dorsum onto your grapheme?
  • And where does all this even fit into your pipeline?

When Alias shipped in 2004, I'd used MotionBuilder to create over ane,000 in-game animations. I learned a lot about how it works and what yous can and can't do with move capture

Since then I've use MotionBuilder on hundreds of different projects at some of the leading video game, move capture and visual furnishings studios.

This experience has given me a unique insight into what makes a reliable and efficient workflow that will transfer move capture onto a graphic symbol cleanly and accurately, on any sized project in whatsoever industry.

And this is the workflow I desire to share with you today...


MotionBuilder Fundamentals:

How to Breathing a Character With Motion Capture

Course Curriculum

...but what if I don't accept a character or any motion capture?

The course also includes all the resources you lot see me using in the videos and so you tin can follow along!


Jess Character Rig

  • - The Maya 2019 version of the Jess FK character animation rig you can use to play forth from the get-go.
  • jess_export_v001.fbx - The MotionBuilder version of Jess to join in if you lot're not starting in Maya.
  • jess_CHARACTERIZED_v001.fbx - The Characterized version of Jess you can compare your work with - or skip to, I wont estimate...
  • - The Maya 2019 version of the Jess IK character rig.
  • jess_ik_export_v001.fbx - The exported MotionBuilder version of the Jess IK character rig.

High Quality Mocap Data

  • F emale_walk_forward.fbx - Loftier quality skeleton movement capture information.
  • RangeOfMotion.trc - Loftier quality optical motion capture data.

PLUS, loads more...

  • Unreal Character Template XML - to automatically consummate the Character Mapping for Unreal Characters - including MetaHumans
  • How To Rig Grapheme For MotionBuilder - My complete guide to rigging a graphic symbol for MotionBuilder.
  • MotionBuilder Keyboard Shortcuts - Keyboard shortcuts for MotionBuilder, Maya and 3DS Max "Inter Activeness Modes" in MotionBuilder.
  • Motion Editing in MotionBuilder - This is everything I wish I knew when I started using MotionBuilder.

...but what if English isn't my first language?

Every video is captioned and available to download every bit a PDF to refer to whenever you need it.

"...but what if I get stuck?"

don't worry...every lecture has it'due south ain Comments section and so you can ask a question or check if it's already been answered.

"This course gave me, a complete newbie, a solid foundation in Motion Builder in a week!!!"

"I was a complete newbie at MotionBuilder (literally just installed it) and wanted to learn how to utilize it. I spent over two weeks trying to understand the tutorials Autodesk had, including their videos, nevertheless none of them were helping me. And I came up short on YouTube every bit the videos I plant were either besides avant-garde or as well basic.

I finally came across this course. Subsequently watching the preview video for it, I did non hesitate and signed up immediately. It took me a calendar week to take information technology. Information technology is divide up into small segments which is very helpful because I could keep going over sure parts until I mastered them.

What was beyond helpful is that the site the course is on, allowed for me to make comments in each segment, and I received replies to my questions and comments speedily, so that nothing was holding me back from proceeding with the course."

  • Gabriella K
  • Virtual Production Artist

This course is for you if…

  • You've been using Max or Maya and desire to add together MotionBuilder to your work workflow.
  • You're planning to employ MotionBuilder on your adjacent projection, just aren't sure how it fits in.
  • You lot'd similar to meet how MotionBuilder is used in the games or picture show industry.
  • MotionBuilder has been recommended to you, but yous don't know where to start.
  • Yous take some motion capture you desire to utilise to animate your character.
  • Your mocap data looks not bad, but somehow feels similar information technology's losing something in MotionBuilder.
  • Your character stays still when you lot import the mocap from MotionBuilder.
  • You don't want to utilize the MotionBuilder naming convention for your character rig.
  • You feel like MotionBuilder's workflow is and then abstract yous're struggling with everything you've tried and then far.
You need to do this Equally Presently AS POSSIBLE!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course beginning and finish?

The class starts now and never ends! It is a completely cocky-paced online course - you determine when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the form?

How does lifetime admission sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across whatsoever and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

Nosotros would never want you to exist unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your buy, contact u.s. in the first xxx days and we will give you lot a full refund.

Volition this work with other software than Maya?

Yeah. Although I'one thousand using Maya, the FBX Exporter is the aforementioned in all 3D software. The Import and Export settings should work exactly the same


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