
What Animals Can You Swim With In Sydney Australia

Staying rubber at Australian beaches is as piece of cake equally following some basic rules. Here are our tips for having fun in the ocean.

Photo © Getty Images/Federico Stevanin/EyeEm

Australia is known for its incredible coastline and spectacular, unspoiled beaches. And with 85% of us living within 50km of the coast, Aussies love the beach as much as visitors. As with any embankment activity, there is a level of risk, including stiff currents, stingy things and sunburn, just with good planning and a sensible arroyo to water safety, you will have an amazing time on Australia's beaches.

  • Where tin can I swim or surf?
  • Rip Currents
  • Irukandji and box jellyfish
  • Bluebottles
  • What about sharks?
  • Sun Ssafety

Where can I swim or surf?

Where possible, ever swim or surf at patrolled beaches. Traveling effectually Commonwealth of australia you will find that many beaches are not patrolled, with some being rugged, isolated parts of the coastline.

While many of these isolated spots are beautiful, if you were to get into trouble it could take longer for help to arrive. Some locations too have poor cell phone reception.
So e'er let someone know where you are going and when yous volition be back. Better still, caput there with friends.

Don't swim alone, particularly if yous are non a strong swimmer. Fifty-fifty if you are a strong swimmer know your limitations, the surf tin can be very rough and conditions tin change quickly.

Never dive into water, fifty-fifty if information technology looks deep enough. Sandbars can occur anywhere, and they're difficult to spot. Lifeguards bargain with almost as many spinal injuries as drownings.

When at patrolled beaches, the first thing to do is pay attention to any signage, particularly if the signs say the beach is airtight. This is not because the lifeguards are on strike, it's because the water is considered likewise unsafe. This could be because of rips, shark sighting, jellyfish etc. Don't disobey whatsoever signage or instructions from lifeguards, they are at that place for your prophylactic.

When lifeguards are on patrol, the safest place to swim is between the red and xanthous flags. The flags are placed at either end of the areas of the ocean the lifeguards consider to be prophylactic to swim in. These spots are also for swimmers only – if you are surfing don't exercise information technology between the flags (lifeguards may confiscate your board) – surfing spots at patrolled beaches are delineated by blackness and white checky flags. Swimmers should avert these areas unless y'all want to cop a board to the caput.

In summer, especially at popular beaches like Bondi and Manly in Sydney, it can get very crowded – on a decorated day Bondi Beach tin have more than 50,000 people on it!

Arrive easier for lifeguards to proceed so many people safe past following their directions. They will use whistles, sirens, loudspeaker announcements, paw signals and exact directions to proceed beach-goers safe.

You may find that some lifeguards are dressed in blue, some in cerise and yellowish or both (in the case of Bondi). The cerise and yellow lifeguards are the volunteer Surf Life Saving Association and the blue lifeguards are APOLA lifeguards who are hired by local councils. Don't worry, they are both professionals at what they do.

Rip currents

Many of Australia'due south beaches have rips, powerful currents that can elevate a swimmer out to body of water. Rips can behave in many different ways and are influenced past the morphology, swell, waves and other factors.

Surf Life Saving Australia considers rips to exist the number one hazard on Australian beaches (aye, information technology's not sharks despite the media hype). Many people accept died or come shut to expiry past panicking or trying to swim against the rip trying to go back to shore (19 people died in rips in 2017).

If you find yourself caught in a rip, don't panic (easier said than washed). A rip will flow against the waves back out to body of water, so if you swim parallel to the beach into the breaking waves, after just a few meters you lot tin can often swim out of information technology.

You tin also float and go with the rip, because it will often disperse just beyond the breakers, as long equally you are a strong swimmer to and so become yourself dorsum to shore.

If you are in trouble and demand help from the lifesavers, enhance one arm up in the air and moving ridge.

Irukandji and box jellyfish

Stingers, including Irukandji and box jellyfish, are mainly constitute in the waters of northern Australia and as far south as the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland. Their numbers peaking betwixt November and May, however, they are plant all year around. Irukandjis are transparent and small, which makes them hard to see in the water. Their sting causes localized hurting, disorientation, respiratory distress, and more. Box jellyfish are bigger than Irukandjis, and their sting is reportedly more painful, and causes noticeable wounds.

If you are stung by an Irukandji or a box jellyfish, immediate first aid is vital. Telephone call 000 and rinse the expanse with vinegar. Carefully remove the tentacles with tweezers. Reassure the patient and keep them calm. Perform CPR if necessary until medical help arrives.

Throughout northern Australia, some beaches are airtight during the peak period for these creatures from November to May, withal another good reason to read signs on beaches.

If you are at an unpatrolled embankment and have been stung by annihilation you lot think may be lethal, dial 000 for emergency assistance. The operator will and then guide you as to the best form of first aid or treatment.


Non-lethal, but painful nonetheless, bluebottles are small-scale bright blueish jellyfish which are quite easy to spot.

Yous will know if and when bluebottles are present at a beach as they are often washed upward along the shoreline. Some people, peculiarly children, find the sting painful, others say information technology causes a mild crawling.

The best treatment is hot water (as hot as you tin stand), or ice. Run the sting under the hot water until information technology comes out. Again, pick off any tentacles (not with your fingers!), don't rub with sand, and don't utilize vinegar.

The pain goes away after fifteen to xxx minutes, and the carmine welt volition disappear in a few days.

What almost sharks?

Globally each year, an average of 10 people are fatally bitten by a shark. Statistically, you lot are more probable to drown at a beach than be bitten by a shark. in 2017, 116 people drowned at beaches and coastal locations in Australia.

Simply there are things yous can exercise to minimize the risk of a shark seize with teeth. Cheque out our article on being shark smart.

Sunday safety

While an Australian summer volition practise wonders for your tan, many travelers underestimate the harshness of the Australian lord's day. Red, roasted Brits and Europeans on Australian beaches are a common sight, but this can be prevented. Always slip, slop, slap; slip on a shirt, slop on a water-resistant, wide-spectrum sunscreen (at least thirty+) and slap on a lid. Don't forget your sunnies also.

Always reapply sunscreen afterward being in the h2o or if you have been sweating.

It'south essential to cover upwardly and protect your peel from the UV rays during the hottest parts of the day (betwixt 10am and 3pm). Seek shade where possible and e'er stay hydrated.

Sunburn is painful and can take days or weeks to go away depending on the severity. Melanoma (skin cancer) is a major effect in Australia with an estimated 14,000 cases diagnozed each year.

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